Non-Christian influences on the development of Christian dogma of
the Trinity, Dr. Peter Gerlitz (Chapter 1, pp. 9, 10):
“Background of the doctrine of Triune God. The history of the Trinity
has taken its roots in the Christology. Therefore the trinitarian
conception of God as such is not detectable in the early christianity.”
Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 11:
“The mystery of the Trinity is the central teaching of the Catholic
Creed. It is a basis of all other teachings of the Church.”
(see ‘Great Catholic Catechism’, 1948, p. 40 ‘Catechism of the
Catholic Church’, 2005, p. 41 et seq.; “Handbook for Today’s
Catholic”, page 16)
The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, vol. 14, p. 299, acknowledges:
“The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly
established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its
profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. … Among the
Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely
approaching such a mentality or perspective.”
“The church studied this mystery with great care and, after four
centuries of clarification, decided to state the doctrine in this way: in
the unity of the Godhead there are three Persons,--the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit...”
(Handbook for Today’s Catholic, page 11).
'Textbook of the Catholic religion‘ by Dr. A. Glattfelter, 1895, p. 48:
“Third Commandment of God: What is the Lord’s Day? The apostolic
christian church postponed the rest day sanctified by God to the first
day of the week... We also celebrate the first day of the week in
memory of the creation of the world...
Sunday is therefore the day of glory of the most holy trinity.“
“As fundamental errors, we might class with this counterfeit sabbath
other errors which Protestants have brought away from the Catholic
church, such as sprinkling for baptism, the trinity, the consciousness
of the dead and eternal life in misery. The mass who have held these
fundamental errors, have doubtless done it ignorantly; but can it be
supposed that the church of Christ will carry along with her these
errors till the judgment scenes burst upon the world? We think not.“
(James White, September 12, 1854, Review & Herald, vol. 6, no. 5, page
36, par. 8)
“The ‘mystery of iniquity’ began to work in the church in Paul’s day. It
finally crowded out the simplicity of the gospel, and corrupted the
doctrine of Christ, and the church went into the wilderness. Martin
Luther, and other reformers, arose in the strength of God, and with
the Word and Spirit, made mighty strides in the Reformation. The
greatest fault we can find in the Reformation is, the Reformers
stopped reforming. Had they gone on, and onward, till they had left
the last vestige of Papacy behind, such as natural immortality,
sprinkling, the trinity, and Sunday-keeping, the church would now be
free from her unscriptural errors.”
(James White, February 7, 1856, Review & Herald, vol. 7, no. 19, page
148, par. 26)
“Jesus prayed that his disciples might be one as he was one with his
Father. This prayer did not contemplate one disciple with twelve
heads, but twelve disciples, made one in object and effort in the
cause of their master. Neither are the Father and the Son parts of the
“three-one God.” They are two distinct beings, yet one in the design
and accomplishment of redemption.”
(James White, 1868, Life Incidents, p 343)
“James White said in 1871 that the visions of his wife were not in
agreement with the commitment of the Trinitarians.”
(‚Mutual Obligation,‘ Review and Herald, 13. June 1871, 204)
“The Scriptures clearly indicate the relation between God and Christ,
and they bring to view as clearly the personality and individuality of
each. [Hebrews 1:1-5 quoted.] God is the Father of Christ; Christ is
the Son of God. To Christ has been given an exalted position. He has
been made equal with the Father. All the counsels of God are opened
to His Son.”
(Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, page 268)
“The inexplicable Trinity that makes the Godhead three in one and
one in three is bad enough; but that ultra Unitarianism that makes
Christ inferior to the Father is worse. Did God say to an inferior, ‘let
us make man in our image?’“
"James White," Review and Herald, November 29, 1877 -
taken from: smyrna.org
“Christus kommt bald! Last Day Events” by Ellen G. White, 1991, page
"It is a serious statement that I direct at the assembly:
Not one of twenty, which name stand in the book of assembly, is
prepared to end his life, and he is indeed without God and without
hope in the world, like every other sinner."
Preacher / Pastor Jeffrey Pippenger, Seventh-Day-Adventist (SDA) USA:
"The most of Seventh-Day-Adventists get lost. The Sunday
law is the end of the probation time for Seventh-Day-
Editor: "Today the Seventh-Day-Adventists cannot be admitted in the
Adventist Movement of the pioneers of James and Ellen G. White if
they not previously attest the false doctrine and human doctrine in
the Trinity or more specifically if they don't want to turn away from
the false doctrine of the deity of Christ and declare it as true! The
Seventh-Day-Adventists of today have only the name 'Seventh-Day-
J. N. Loughborough was once asked whether there is any serious
objection to the doctrine of the Trinity. His answer was:
There are many objections, but we want to limit ourselves only to the
three most important ones:
1. It is incompatible with the common sense.
2. It is incompatible with the Scripture.
The word Trinity appears nowhere in the Scripture. Mainly, the text
1 John 5:7 is mentioned, which is an insertion. Clarke says: “From
the hundred and thirteen manuscripts the text is missing in one
hundred twelve. It appears in no manuscript prior to the tenth
century. And the first time, where the text appears in Greek, there is
only a Greek translation of the decrees of the Council of Lateran, held
in 1215.
3. Their origin is pagan and fictive.
Instead of referring to the Scriptures in order to prove the existence
of the Trinity, we are drawn to the trident of the Persians ... It is
certain that the Jewish community taught nothing like that. Mr.
Summerbell says: “A friend of mine who visited a synagogue in New
York, asked the rabbi for an explanation of the word elohim ‘. A
Trinitarian priest standing next to him replied: “Well, that refers to the
three persons of the Trinity” As a Jew came forward and said that he
was not allowed to mention that word, otherwise he would be forced
to leave the House, because it was not allowed to call the name of a
foreign God in the synagogue “.... The doctrine of the Trinity was
about the same time introduced into the church as the worship of
images and keeping the day of the sun {Editor: Sunday}, but it is just
a restatement of the Persian doctrine. After its launch about three
hundred years went by, until the doctrine became what it is today. It
was introduced around 325 ... In Spain, it was adopted in 589, in
England in 596 and in 534 in Africa“ (excerpt)
Preliminary work:
“Question 1. What serious objections are there to the doctrine of the
“Answer. There are many objections which we might urge, but on
account of our limited space we shall reduce them to the three
“1. It is not very consonant with common sense to talk of three being
one, and one being three. …
“2. It is contrary to Scripture. …
“3. Its origin is pagan and fabulous. …”
('The Review and Herald‘, Battle Creek, Michigan, 5. Nov. 1861 / in
‚The Adventist Pioneer Library‘)
Image: A temple of the heathen in Ephesus, Turkey.
VICARIUS FILII DEI: The title of the pope.
The greatest proof of God’s love for us humans is the Christ’s death
on the cross, however denied by the doctrine of the Trinity. It is
claimed that Christ died only partly because his divine nature could
not die.
“Unbelievable,” I thought ... If the divine nature of Jesus did not die,
Christ was only half dead then. However, the resurrection of a half-
dead man is no resurrection.
In that respect, Paul observes: “If Christ has not risen, then our
preaching is useless and so is your faith ... your faith is futile and you
are still in your sins, but also those who passed away in Christ are
lost“ - (1Cor. 15: 14 +17 +18).
The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the divine nature of Jesus
could not die. So his full death on the cross is denied, his
resurrection is made a fraud and he a liar.
A liar who is not risen, cannot help any of us.
from: “Is that really so?” by Bruno Fischer.
In the Life Magazine, the Catholic Church declared on 30/10/1950:
“Our opponents sometimes say that no doctrine which is not clearly
taught in the Holy Scripture should be held dogmatically. ... However
protestant churches have accepted such doctrines as the doctrine of
the trinity, which are not precised in the gospels!“
Prof. George R. Knight in "A Search for Identity: The Development of
SDA Beliefs“, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA , page
10, 2000/2002, German edition:
“Many Adventists probably never bethought, that the doctrines of the
community had changed as time passed. It seems that most of them
proceed on the assumption, that the founders of the Adventist
movement thought the same as the Adventists of the 21st century."
Prof. George R. Knight in "A Search for Identity: The Development of
SDA Beliefs“, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA , page
13, 2000/2002, German edition:
"Most of the pioneers of the Adventist movement could today not be
members of a Seventh-day Adventist Church, at least not, if they
previously would have to agree on all of the 27 religious beliefs of the
church. They would for example refuse the second point, 'The Trinity'.
… Our fathers and mothers of faith would also have difficulties with
the religious belief no. 4, “The son”. There it namely says, that Jesus
Christ also was “eternal true God”. … The most of the conducting
Brothers also didn’t belief, that the Holy Spirit is a person.”
Ellen G. White warns in "Diener des Evangeliums", p. 272:
"May no one have the audacity to raze the foundations of our believe
– the ground, that was laid through research of the word of God
under praying and through revelations, at the beginning of our
corpus. On this ground we have built for over 50 years [written about
100 years ago!]. The people may assume to have found a new way, to
lay a stronger ground, as the one, who already is laid, but that is a big
fraud. 'No one can lay another ground as the one, who is already
Dr. D. Heinz, "Adventecho", 1998:
"Through avoidance of the full-committee at the General Conference
… succeeded thereupon a draft of 22 Fundamental Beliefs into the
´yearbook` of 1931, which was elaborated by the then writer Francis
M. Wilcox together with three other theologians, among them also the
General Conference President Charles H. Watson. According to the
Adventism historian LeRoy Froom they wanted to avoid the
resistance of the traditional circles of the intra-party-line with this
`surprise-move´. The reformulation that implicit didn’t consider itself
as a firm formulated credo contains for the FIRST TIME a clear creed
to the TRINITY… In 1932 followed the induction of the Fundamental
Beliefs in the new created ´handbook of the assembly`.” … Albeit
through the official decision of the General Conference full-committee
[1980], the 'Fundamental Beliefs' obtained from 1980 on a dogmatic
authority, like no other Adventists document before.”
In the same year 1903, when Ellen White wrote the letter above, she
published her book “Education”.
In the first chapter “The first Principles” Ellen White clearly and
doubtlessly states, that we can never overcome the “mighty force of a
third person” through evil:
“Christ is the only power, through which man can
overcome evil!“
That is what Ellen White wrote five years after “Desire of Ages” was
Who still claims that Ellen White became a Trintarian in 1898, should
first start to read Ellen White´s books and compare all statements to
the word of God.
We have been able to find a wonderful conformity between Ellen
Whites real Testimonies and the word of God.
Ellen White and all advent-pioneers believed the same that Paul the
apostle believed:
"But to us there is but one ELOHIM (G-d),
the Father, of whom are all things, and we to him;
and one Master, Yahshua the Messiah,
by whom are all things, and we by him."
1 Corinthians 8:6
from: "Information-Brochure – The development of the trinity-doctrine
in church-history and in the Seventh-day Adventist Church” by
‘Christianity lately’
Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that
grace may abound?
Rom. 6:2 By no means! How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any
longer in it?
Rom. 6:3 Know you not, that so many of us as were baptized into
Yahshua the Messiah were baptized into his death?
Rom. 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that
like as the Messiah was raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even so we also should Walk in newness of life.
Rom. 6:5 For if we have been united with him in the likeness of his
death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection;
Rom. 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man was impaled with him, that
the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should no longer serve
Rom. 6:7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.
Rom. 6:8 But if we be died with the Messiah, we believe that we shall
also live with him;
Rom. 6:9 Knowing that the Messiah being raised from the dead dies
no more; death has no more dominion over him.
Rom. 6:10 For in that he died, he died to sin once: but in that he
{Yahshua} lives, he lives to YAHWEH!
Rom. 6:11 Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to
sin, but alive to YAHWEH in the Messiah Yahshua our Master.
Grafic - image:
Saturday is the day of resurrection of our
Master Yahshua the Messiah.