oF The
Day oF
Yahshua the
(Jesus Christ)
The big deception!
When checking “the date of Messiah’s
resurrection” I always came across some
irregularities in the Holy Scriptures. Once
going through the text verse by verse
together with a brother, my eyes were
suddenly opened by the Heavenly Father
and his holy name YAHWEH.
You‘re Welcome
On one of the Sabbath days of the week came
Miriam of Magdala early, when it was yet dark,
to the sepulchre, and saw the stone taken away
from the sepulchre. (John 20:1)
„In the evening of the same Sabbath
(Saturday), since the disciples met together
and the doors were closed, fearing the Jews,
Yahshua came and stepped into the middle
among them and spoke to them: PEACE WITH
YOU / Hebrew: Shalom Aleichem! (John 20:19)
The words „Sabbath“ and
Since my eyes have been closed until now
regarding the former announcement by Dr.
Martin Luther in his 1545 translation of the
word “Sabbath and Sabbaths” and
regarding the irregularity, “when the two
women of Miriam (not Greek: Maria)
bought and made the spices,“ the facts
have now been identified on revision of all
relevant verses of Greek and Hebrew
Bibles (both manual and online Bibles).
The translation of the word “Sabbath” from
the Greek in the Online Bible was an exact
Greek word for Sabbath, i.e. the word
“week”. Now it is not so complicated just
to set “first” before it and thus you soon
get a translation which has been found in
almost all Bibles: “On the first day of the
It is now abundantly clear that the word
“Sabbath” is contained in the Greek and
Hebrew Bibles in an unadulterated form.
The only irregularity is contained in the
verse in Mark 16:1; however, it is
neutralized by the verse in Luke 23:50-56
and inconsistently declared as forgery.
Conspiracy of Deception, Nader Mansour
"I feel my spirit stirred within me. I feel to the depth of my being that the truth must be borne to
other countries and nations and to all classes. Let the missionaries of the cross proclaim that there
is one God {El [Elohim]}, and one Mediator between God {YAHWEH} and man, who is Jesus Christ
{Yahshua the Messiah} the Son of the Infinite God. This needs to be proclaimed throughout every
church in our land."
(Ms40-1891.78; Ellen White 1888 Materials 886.3; editor: {…})
"Siento el espíritu agitado en mi interior. Siento en lo más profundo de mi ser que la verdad debe
ser llevada a otras naciones, países y para todas las clases. Que los misioneros de la cruz proclamen
que hay un solo Dios {El [Elohim]}, y un solo Mediador entre Dios {YAHWEH} y el hombre, que es
Jesucristo {Yahshua el Mesías}, el Hijo del Dios Infini- to. Eso precisa ser proclamado por todas las
iglesias de nuestra Tierra."
(Ms40-1891.78; Ellen White 1888 Materials 886.3; editor: {…})
mehr Blutvergießen und Zerstörung verursacht (siehe Deutschland und 2. Weltkrieg)!